Why arranging flowers the ‘right’ way is not as elusive as you think

I have no idea how to make flowers look ‘right’ in a vase, but they look cute.

I received this message from my friend along with a picture of a vase full of gerbera daisies. She herself is an amazing artist – a photographer, painter, and fellow writer. No matter where we begin, there’s a bit of a dance when exploring a new medium. It’s honest and humbling. It takes time to find that sweet spot or still point; that beloved space which lies between the push, pull, texture, and tone of creativity. It may exist for the briefest movement, but in that moment there’s harmony.

Her sentiment is shared as my friend is not the only person I’ve heard say this about flowers. It may stem from a lack of comfort, consistency, exposure, or having the supplies on hand. It may be something else altogether. But one thing is for certain, there’s no right or wrong way to build an arrangement.


* Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being (New York: Penguin Press, 2023) 41

Interested in flowers as an artistic medium and want some simple methods to apply?

Intuitive Arrangements is a self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design. Expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. Immediate access upon purchase.