Want to play with flowers? Permission granted


I don’t think we need an excuse to play with flowers. But I get why. I made them myself, that is, until recently. 

It’s a compilation of judgements. 

This is inappropriate. 

Who's going to need or want this. 

I should be doing something more valuable, more productive, more business oriented, or work-out. 

It’s hard for me to not laugh a little because this was me and sometimes still is. But I’ve become softer on myself and more honest. It takes time, perspective and self–awareness. I’m no longer choosing to hide that working with flowers may seem frivolous. On the contrary it’s divine. And I encourage everyone to do the same. 

Here’s the thing, you don’t need an excuse to play with flowers, but if you do – 

It’s a celebration of the senses. 

The role of observer dissolves into participant. 

You focus on the inner artist. 

It’s an act of beauty and wonder which provides a deep sense of peace and calm. 

Clearly, one of the most subtle, precious, and transformative mediums to work with.

It’s a brilliant practice to embrace the beauty of the present moment and release old baggage. You can literally choose to do things differently based on where you are, right now.

Movement and play happen to be accessible and familiar forms of being not merely a means to an end. 

Intuitive Arrangements is a self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design. Expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. Immediate access upon purchase.