I sought nature to heal and received far more in return than I ever expected

The poet and mystic John O’Donohue speaks of landscape being very much alive, ancient and wise. It recalls you into a mindful mode of stillness, solitude, and silence where you can truly receive time. Its very essence animates our cells. 

Nature is too often associated as something separate from us. It’s out there. We may have learned it’s safer if we control it, walk on it, harvest things from it, and keep it at a distance.

I sought out nature to heal, to take a break from academia, and to learn to farm. It just so happened that this choice changed my life. And that living with the rhythms of nature and learning to farm has shaped me into a constant gardener. 

It’s taught me invaluable life lessons. Perhaps the most important, aside from the four I share below, are that control and separation are illusions. 


If your dreaming of starting a garden, let’s talk – Garden Consultation

Or create and play on your own time – Intuitive Arrangements is a self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design. Expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. Immediate access upon purchase.