Flowers as an artistic medium

Flowers are works of art. There may be differences of opinion around this, but I myself am sure of it. Innately magnificent and at times other worldly, they are sparks of light and color within a landscape.  

Spectacular in and of themselves, flowers are also an artistic medium. They cultivate joy. Understanding their nature and creating unique designs can be incredibly healing let alone satisfying for both the viewer and the creator. They are truly an avenue through which you can express yourself and play, creatively. 

Growing and harvesting flowers can connect you to an even deeper rhythm – a frequency of resilience, patience, support, and neutrality. Yet you don't need to grow flowers to fully experience the breadth of creative possibilities, nor feel their innate qualities. 


Something about their sensuality and magnetism naturally ignites a spark. In the past I’d recommended floral business concepts to friends not realizing, until very recently, that it was me who in fact wanted that experience. I could even imagine having a little studio space with buckets and buckets of blooms and me in the midst of it all meticulously taking care of and learning the nuances of each one. I’d eagerly share with others so that they too could discover a flower language all their own. 

Flowers like their herbal cousins have ancient roots, healing properties, and emanate a slow graceful rhythm. They are the quintessence of beauty and magic. And inevitably transform the energy of a space, while heightening the mood.

They truly are transformative art. If you’ve ever been surrounded by flowers in a mountain meadow, a lush forest, or even a local farm, you know there is a hum. And regardless of your age it somehow leaves you rendering an audible gasp of wonder. 

Flowers are indeed allies yet they can also be the sensuous, living, radiant elements in an art installation, a bouquet, a piece of jewelry, or personal adornment. Regardless of what form they take, they have a way of expressing themselves that your body and spirit understand. Like paint, fiber, wood, clay, food, or photography, (to name just a few) you may find meaning through them amidst the ephemeralness.  

So good news, not all of us need to be in the business as florists or floral designers to be floral artists. Nor are events, subscriptions, and weddings the only avenue to express yourself as a creative. There are so many ways to integrate blossoms into your day to day to have a flower-filled life.

Maybe I’m only speaking for myself, but I know there are others out there, perhaps even you, that appreciate the delicate radiance, precious beauty, and the silent way flowers uplift the spirit. And having a few tools and principles to work with in order to express yourself helps. From there the possibilities are endless. 

Interested in flowers as an artistic medium and want some simple methods to apply?

Intuitive Arrangements is a self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design. Expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. Immediate access upon purchase.