Choosing creativity over consumption

Recently I’ve discovered the content of a lovely Canadian Italian stylist named Alyssa Beltempo. Her ethos is timeless – creativity over consumption. She teaches how to shop your closet, stretch how you look at things, find the beauty but also the gaps in what you already own and create something that is uniquely you rather than consume from a haphazard state of comparison. 


I’ve been pleasantly surprised by what it has revealed to me. What has struck me is how quickly we can lose our sense of creativity. The act itself is far more dynamic and engaging than consuming. It’s a force, a muscle that benefits from movement and participation. It stretches perspective. Inevitably curiosity, gratitude, and playfulness become your allies. Consumption in contrast has a way of maintaining a kind of surface tension. There’s a depth that one longs for, yet somehow you remain distracted in the shallows. 

Creativity over consumption not only inspired me but reminded me how important being aware of this is; consciously and unconsciously. As a result I’ve made a clear and intentional overhaul to my wardrobe. Other life circumstances had already facilitated change so the timing for realignment and centering was perfect. 

You may be thinking, what on earth does garment choice and styling have to do with flowers, gardens, design and connected living? 

Here’s the thing, the medium doesn’t matter. What does is the intent. I’ll be honest, I love beautiful things – clothes, design, gardens, flowers, good food, architecture, sculpture, I could go on…but I’m a frugal consumer.

I’m grateful for what I have and at the same time excited and honored when I experience beautiful perspectives in art/designs/style and the creative buzz it emits, no matter the form. 

Living a creative and art-filled life all boils down to the choices we make and how honestly we express the truest version of ourselves. When seated in yourself and grateful for all that is, you have a well of energy at hand. In other words, a reservoir for your creativity to swim. 

Over time these may naturally change because we are actively participating in life, we adapt and evolve. I know you and I have to consume in order to live. But there are ways in which to refocus the lens in order to consume mindfully and act creatively.

What inspires your creativity?

Interested in flowers as an artistic medium and want some simple methods to apply?

Intuitive Arrangements is a self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design. Expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. Immediate access upon purchase.