Imagine how things are arranged

Providing organization, clarity, structure & spaciousness in landscapes and gardens through naturalistic design.

Harmonic Resonance

When you recognize that you’re nature and not separate from it, a centering force pulls you into alignment. And when actualized, there is flow. I call it Thoughtful Living.

It’s an approach to deepen your understanding of spatial dynamics, the natural systems which are all around you, and design. When in harmony these aspects create ways to reclaim the value of space. Therein affecting your senses and ultimately your experiences of the natural world.

I help in establishing a naturalistic design for your landscape and garden, so that you can be just as comfortable and at ease outside as you are inside.

Gardens can be a wildly dynamic and wonderful world. They can be anywhere from a thriving vegetable garden, to a dynamic food forest, to a mini meadow of wild flowers, to a serene ornamental garden for retreat and relaxation.

Regardless of the environment, it’s known that it has a profound impact on your sense of contentment and joy.

Garden Consultations provide:

  • Confidence in choosing plants, shrubs, and or tree types that fit for your life and location.

  • Knowledge on how best to plan and prepare for a little vegetable or herb garden.

  • A greater awareness of the systems and rhythms of nature. Being attuned to time and cycles will inform transplanting, pruning, watering, etc.  

  • Understanding the difference between using annuals and perennials in your garden and how best to integrate them. 

  • Self-assurance in the continuous conversation at hand when working with a naturalistic design.

Large arch installation at Fondation Maeght

Feeling and Functionality

Drawing on over twenty years of experience in art and design, Ayurveda, agriculture, manufacturing, product development/packaging, and project management, I offer a unique perspective.

You will receive a tailored set of recommendations, key concepts, and actionable ideas that fit the context of your home, life, and location. Fill your space with medicinally healing plants, foods, and design elements uniquely tailored to you.

Our surroundings are critical to the functionality of our daily lives and play a role in how we feel. Whether consciously or not, good design can lead to optimized flow and a sense of ease. 

As a result, the colors, textures, choice of plants - all combine to create a vibrant and cohesive landscape reflective of you and your lifestyle.

The Process

Due to the nature of this work, each project is unique to you, your needs and goals.


  • Introduce the concept and project at hand. This can be in person (on site) or remote (virtual).

  • Assessment. Budgeting. Logistics.


  • After purchase you will be directed to schedule our session on my calendar.

  • Prior to our session I will send over a questionnaire of sorts to prepare for the call.


  • Based on our conversation I will distill the key concepts in a PDF. This may include an overall mood board, general map of the garden or landscape, plant recommendations, etc.

Two lawnchairs in a natural landscape
I’ve found that growing a small garden in order to be surrounded with plants and flowers is an effective way to slow down, calm the nervous system, and tap into nature’s rhythms – in essence heal and cultivate joy.
— Erin